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The Middle Ages and the conquest of Els Ports by Blasco de Alagón (13th century) had an impact on the construction of new military, religious, and civilian buildings in Morella. The aqueduct and its channeling system from the Vinatxos Fountain contributed to the consolidation of the population.



- Vilafranca: Tourist office and Town Hall.

- Cinctorres: Tourist office and Town Hall.

- Forcall: Tourist office and Town Hall.

- La Mata: Town Hall.

- Todolella: Town Hall.

- Olocau del Rey: Tourist information point.

- Villores: Town Hall.

- Morella: Tourist office.

- Vallibona: Tourist information point.

- Portell: Town Hall.

- Herbés: Town Hall.

For more information, please contact any registration point or the Els Ports Regional Commonwealth:

Tlf. 964440306 / 964441266


Peiró de Sant Antoni

Historical / architectural heritage

This is a reconstruction of the former pedestal or “peiró” (devotional or wayside cross) knocked down when the road was built. Festivities in honour of Sant Antoni (Saint Anthony), or Santantonades, are the most iconic and representative festivals in the Els Ports region. They are held in Morella on the weekend after the saint’s day (17 January).

From this cross you can take in a spectacular panoramic view: Penyagolosa and Turmell mountains, Fusters peak, and the Corces river valley with the great wall of the Font Donzella.

Santa Llúcia and Sant Llàtzer Chapel

Historical / architectural heritage

A religious building also known as the Chapel of Santa Llúcia or Dels Arcs, as it lies under a medieval aqueduct. It stands outside the town of Morella and has been declared an Asset of Local Relevance.

Towards the late 13th century, a decision was made to build a chapel and a hospital to attend leprosy patients, also called cagots. In 1289 the hospital and chapel were complete and their bylaws were approved in 1291. The building was extended and decorated in the baroque style in the 18th century.

One curious detail regarding this chapel is that Brother Guillem Escolà was murdered on 27 April 1353 by Domingo Prunyonosa, master builder of the church of Santa María de Morella. A tombstone can be found inside, marking the spot where the body of the Franciscan priest was found during restoration work on the church.

Ruins of the aqueduct

Historical / architectural heritage

Remains of the ancient aqueduct pipelines, ducts of 1.5m high and 1m wide created with stone and mortar that channelled water from Font de Vinatxos, around 3km from here, to the Pedrera and Santa Llúcia aqueducts, and finally to Morella.

In 1273 King Jaume I donated the Font de Vinatxos spring to supply water to the town of Morella, and in 1315 Jaume II authorised the construction of the aqueduct. It is a prime example of 14th century hydraulic engineering and greatly improved the lives of locals.

The aqueduct, or Sèquia Reial, has been declared an Asset of Cultural Interest. For safety reasons, visitors are asked not to enter the tunnel due to the significant risk of falling debris.

Vinatxos Fountain

Historical / architectural heritage

In 1273 King Jaume I donated the Font de Vinatxos spring to the town of Morella for its water supply. Work began on the first aqueduct in the 13th century and the project comprised a simple fired earth channel.

The project was completed by King Jaume II with the construction of a second aqueduct and, in 1359, water was channeled to the town of Morella, to the today known as the Font Vella. Font de Vinatxos now has a drinking trough for livestock.

The Font de Vinatxos, pipelines, arches of Santa Llúcia and La Pedrera, and the well are part of the Morella Aqueduct or Sèquia Reial heritage site, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

Perpinyana Fountain

Historical / architectural heritage

This hydraulic heritage site comprises a small spring with a drinking trough. It is located on the old route between Morella and Herbeset, close to the La Carcellera ravine.

Water runs under the trail into a long drinking trough, adapted in the 20th century for mass

livestock farming.

It was originally a place for animals and people on the road to Herbeset to drink, rest and refresh.

Livestock farming has been, and still is, the main economic engine of Els Ports. There is a vast infrastructure of roads, fountains and drinking troughs throughout the region that have been fundamental in developing livestock farming.